It's important for you to have a sense of beauty and harmony in the places you live and work
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You need to feel close to your partner, you feel anxious if they seem distant
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You value your freedom, even when you're in a long-term relationship
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You're constantly learning and finding new skills to get to grips with
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You're realistic about what it takes for a relationship to stand the test of time
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You're pretty spontaneous and you're ok with it if plans change at the last minute
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You go to great lengths to make a relationship work, when some would simply move on
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You're fairly outspoken and you know how to get your point across
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You have little patience for small talk, preferring to go straight in at the deep end
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You're pretty comfortable in most social situations, despite the odd self-conscious niggle
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You are excited by new adventures and love taking risks
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You have lots of energy and find that you can easily get bored
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You're very upfront in your communication, sometimes to the point of offending people
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You have good attention to detail and you value that in others too
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You're quite flirty and love the thrill of a new connection
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People often ask you for help because they know you get things done
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Your ideal date would involve good food and long conversations by a fire
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Once you make a decision you stick with it
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You're an affectionate, touchy-feely person
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You will stand up for what you believe in, even if it means being unpopular
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You're ambitious and you always strive to achieve what you set out to do
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Your love of new horizons makes it hard to complete projects or settle in a long-term partnership
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You're a supportive person and you love helping others see the best in themselves
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You are able to come up with quick, smart responses in a debate or discussion
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You find it easy to see and understand the other person's point of view in an argument
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You sometimes think things over so much that you don't know what action to take first
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Having an intellectual match in your partner is really important to you
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You're not one to hold a grudge for a long time
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You love to be pampered, spoilt and showered with gifts!
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You get impatient if someone seems 'slow on the uptake' or is procrastinating
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You take pride in nurturing and caring for the person you're in a relationship with
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You work hard and have high expectations of yourself and others
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You love a date where there's a physical aspect rather than just sitting around chatting
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You tend to look on the bright side of life, people see you as an optimist
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You're self-confident and you value that in a partner too
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You are compassionate, easily sensing what the other person is feeling
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People see you as quite a self-confident person
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You dislike getting caught up in conflict, you would much rather mediate a situation
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You find it difficult to let go of difficult emotions and to move on
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Mutual respect is the most important thing to you in a relationship
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You love surprise parties or unexpected adventures
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You'd pick a luxurious mini-break over a rustic camping trip any day
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You always give an honest answer without sugar coating the truth
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Honesty is really important to you - you'll easily sniff out a lie and call it out
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You'd rather try out something new than revisit an activity that's already familiar
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You can easily come up with new ideas and plans for things to do
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On a date, you can really quickly read the other person and what makes them tick
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You are competitive and get a buzz from pushing yourself to your limits
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You enjoy dating, it's fun to get out there and meet new people
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